1.Introduction by the Chairman, Kevin Millard who welcomed Members and Guests, and introduced Councillor Peter James (HDC) and Simon Hobbs (Little Bowden Neighbourhood Forum) who will each give a short update on the current activities of their organisations and how they relate to Little Bowden and the wider Market Harborough Town area.  

Simon Hobbs gave an update on the Neighbourhood Forums in our area, of which Little Bowden was the first of the five Neighbourhood Forums. The Forums were formed for local representation as Market Harborough did not have a town council. Little Bowden Forum consists of 21 volunteers who meet every month, on the last Thursday, at the Meadowvale School. Their brief is to work in conjunction with the HDC and LCC on topics such as the environment, traffic, flood evaluation and new building with an objective of creating a neighbourhood plan.  

A short question and answer session followed.  

Councillor Peter James gave an update on the need for a new plan for the Market Harborough area to control and regulate new housing and facilities needed which had attracted controversial reaction in media recently. The new plan which will cost upwards of one million pounds will cover the area until 2041. Councillor James felt that the new plan would have a minimal effect on Little Bowden, however concerns were raised is enough housing being provided for younger residents and the older, senior community. A public consultation session will be held at the Symington Building on January 24th and members were encouraged to visit and make their comments and concerns known.

A short question and answer session followed.  

Chairman Kevin Millard gave his experience gained in Bedfordshire village where he used to live, working on a plan to control housing and facilities.

2. Annual General Meeting  

3. Apologies. These were received from Christina Daniels, Angela Cherrington, Liz and Richard Allen, Rita Kimmet, Irene Millard, Keith Nixon, Andrew and Cynthia Tomson, Alan and Viv Window, Ann Murphy, Kathryn and Joe Aslett and Edward Eldridge.  

4. Any Further Matters Arising from the 2023 AGM – None arising.  

5. Chairman’s Report – The Chairman had distributed his report online and this was shown on screen. He thanked Michael Milsom for his over 15 years on the Committee, and his services as Webmaster, which Michael will continue as a non-Committee role. Kevin also thanked Raffle Co-ordinators Alec and Carol Hodgson for their services which they will also continue as a non-Committee role.  

6. Treasurer’s Report – The Chairman thanked Jean Stamp as Treasurer and the report was shown on screen, the finances were explained, and these will be distributed with the AGM minutes.  

7. Election of the Committee, which will consist of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Events Co-ordinator, Membership Secretary, and up to four other members.

Nominations for 2024 Committee: As no further nominations had been received from the membership, the following nominations would stand for election:

Chairman – Kevin Millard, Secretary – Cynthia Thomson, Treasurer – Jean Stamp, Speaker Co-ordinator – Phil Baildon, Publicity Co-ordinator - Anthony Cherrington, Membership Secretary – Kev Millard, plus Sheila White & Janet Lee.  

Non-Committee roles: Webmaster - Michael Milsom, Raffle Co-ordinators - Alec & Carol Hodgson.  

These were proposed by Di Potter and Seconded by Lynda Howe and accepted.  

It was announced that Committee Meetings would only happen twice a year now, but monthly updates would be communicated by email.  

8. A.O.B – The members present who did not have access to, or use the internet thanked Committee for minutes and newsletters in print form.

9. There followed a small intermission for refreshments and raffle before the film presentations. – Phil Baildon had obtained two films from the Harborough Movies Makers archives, The Story of finding the Hallaton Treasure and Harborough in Bloom, which were well received

There being no other business the meeting closed at 21.30.

Anthony Cherrington, LBS Committee